The Essential Oil Essentials
Last week I posted a photo of my brand new shiny package of essential oils from a company I found online, Plant Therapy. The reaction I got from it was incredibly surprising to me. I had several people personally message me asking for details on essential oils. I am in NO WAY an expert on essential oils or any of this stuff I write about really, but I have a loud mouth, so there's THAT. I'm really just sharing information I'm learning. I'm sharing because I truly believe we should know what's going into the products around us. ESPECIALLY those we put in/on our bodies. For the past year and a half I have been slowly but surely switching everything in my life over to more holistic, healthier versions of things I already like. A BIG one that upset me was scented candles. I'm not joking when I say that I came home one day and my family had thrown them all away and I actually cried. Let's be real, it wasn't just the scented candles. Cancer is stressful ya...